Monday, April 9, 2012


“Why?” is my favorite question in the English language. It’s the perfect question. In three letters you can ask the deepest question possible. You can ask “why?” about almost anything. In fact, I can tell you why “Why?” became my favorite question. Probably because my parents always answered my “Why?” questions with genuine answers rather than “I told you so”. Thanks Mom and Dad :). From my childhood of getting real reasons for why I do things such as, going to school and cleaning my room, I started asking “Why?” about everything. And this is the reason (again a word related to the question “Why?”) I am able to appreciate life at such a young age. I am posting this blog entry titled “Why?” is to explain why I started a new blog titled Happy YOU.

Today I consider myself the luckiest person in the world. All of my experiences in this short life have led me to finally figuring out the secret to enjoying my life. Do you know what that is? Is it having a good paying job? Is it owning a house, a car, and having a closet full of designer clothes and the newest electronic toys? No. The secret to enjoying life is happiness. It's easy to forget that's the secret in this day and age. You get caught up in the silly things and lose what's important. 

Why is happiness so important? Because if you aren’t happy then what’s the point? You are always going to be you as long as you live. And if what you are doing isn’t making you happy then why are you doing it? Really think about that. That’s a why question that is going to take us longer to answer. I plan on helping you answer it through this blog.

In my short twenty-four years of life I have been the person who isn’t happy for some silly reason. And in these twenty-four years I have also figured out a way to fix those situations. I’ve been the person who spends my whole paycheck on clothes, hair appointments and gas to get to the job I don’t love. I’ve been the girl who has let my negative reactions to small things effect my whole day. I’ve lived the life of not wanting to get up in the morning because I’m not excited about what I have to do that day. I’ve been in the relationship for the security of having a boyfriend rather than for love. I’ve been the unsure, shy person in the group that people have a hard time talking to. I’ve been the girl on a crazed diet because I thought I was fat. I’ve been unhappy. I’ve found a way to change that. Can you? I’d like to help you do that.

Why? Why do I want to spend my free time typing my life stories to people who may or may not read them? Because I think by sharing my life stories, I can help you. Helping you makes me happy. Stay tuned. I would like to help you figure out how (the second best question in the English language) you can become a happier, more positive person. 

Disclaimer: I'm not perfect. I have not been trained to write such things. I'm simply sharing what I have seen in my life. I'm also not happy, all day, everyday. But I am trying to change my negative thoughts in positive ones so someday I can be happy all day, everyday. Maybe you have some great advice for me. I am open to new ideas and ways you found happiness. Please share, let's work together to find happiness in our lives! :D

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